God Is Teaching You Patience

February 3, 2022

‘Be patient and trust the Lord.’ Psalm 37:7 CEV

Patience is born of trust. David said, ‘Trust the Lord and live right! The land will be yours, and you will be safe. Do what the Lord wants, and He will give you your heart’s desire.’ (Psalm 37:3–4 CEV) God has a plan for your life. It includes things you can’t have today that you will be able to enjoy tomorrow. When rain comes, the grass grows on its own. So, stop struggling to accomplish something now that will be easy when the time is right.

When you refuse to give a toddler something that’s not good for him, he stamps his foot and cries, ‘I want it now!’ So, do you give in to him? No, because he is not ready for it yet.

Paul writes, ‘Patience …has the power to endure whatever comes, with good temper.’ (Colossians 3:12 AMPC) Not only is God teaching you how to wait but how to have a good attitude while you’re doing it.

James writes, ‘When your patience is finally in full bloom, then you will be ready for anything.’ (James 1:4 TLB) God permits certain things to happen in life to teach us important principles like:

(1) maintaining our faith when times get tough;

(2) showing grace under pressure by controlling our responses; and

(3) developing new skills and better ways of thinking.

The truth is, God is developing qualities in you right now that can’t be developed any other way. When He’s finished, you will have the maturity to handle what He has in mind for you. So, don’t let the enemy rattle you or the circumstances put you into overdrive. ‘Be patient and trust the Lord.’

SoulFood: Rom 15–16, Luke 7:36–50, Ps 111, Pro 3:29–30

The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright © 2020

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